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Você está acessando um conteúdo adulto, restrito para maiores de 18 anos! Enabling these options will tell Hub to display a browser pop-up message when the action is received. You can read more about how to do this. Depending on your maximum number of chats allowed, you will be able to see multiple chats here, and can scroll down to navigate between these if they begin to get obscured by the below tabs.

You can also see a small preview of the last message sent or received. En resumen, ChatZona te ofrece un chat gratis para ti y para tus amigos, para que podais chatear de forma facil desde nuestra web, o incluir ese chat en la vuestra propia, para chatear en la red que mas ha crecido en los ultimos años, con el mejor ambiente, y la mejor gente. Diese Links sind mit einem Klammer-Symbol gekennzeichnet. Edit them clicking add your palace information select your category and language save.

Chat Chatear - Enabling these options will tell Hub to display a browser pop-up message when the action is received.

This is where the magic happens. To test out the Hub, just click on the button in the upper right-hand corner 1. There are 4 statistics that are displayed here. All statistics are calculated based on the last 7 days of historical data. The second box displays the number of chats the agent has taken in the last 7 days. The third box displays the average duration of chats from this agent, across all widgets chat portal de the agent is added to. This is calculated based on survey responses filled in by visitors after the chat. Clicking the arrows on either side of this will slide you to the next panel, as shown here: You can see some useful SnapEngage news regarding new releases, and also some extra tips and tricks on the right-hand side. It is recommended to check this section regularly to ensure you are aware of any new features so that you can use them to create a better chat experience. Agent Status To change your agent status, simply click the drop-down 3 at the top right-hand corner of Hub chat portal de select the status as required. Note: Agent status does not affect internal team chat channels. You may send and receive messages in team chat regardless of your agent status. You will be able to continue handling ongoing chats until they are completed. Hub Toolbar Hub varies slightly from the Chat Portal here, in that the toolbar is split chat portal de to two separate sections. Clicking this will open the admin dashboard in a new tab. This details the agent status of all agents added to the account, as well as the status of incoming chats. Secondly, we have the Agent toolbar. Clicking on chat portal de photo will display a drop-down with agent settings and a logout button. Agent Settings As mentioned above, you can navigate to your agent settings by clicking on your name, at the top-right-hand corner of Hub. This will make an additional pop-up window appear, like so: If you click on your agent photo, this will allow you to change the photo. If you click on the pen icon next to your agent name, you also have the ability to edit this. Any changes you make to your name here will have an effect on the Hub Portal. For example, your teammates will only be able to Ping you Mention using your updated name, and the previous one will no longer work. You can read more about how to do this. Below this, you will see the option to enable Auto-Pause 4. This can be helpful if you have a habit of leaving your Hub Portal logged in, for example. It will ensures that after a certain amount of time has passed, the account will be paused automatically. Enabling this prompts you to select a time period to wait before pausing. Setting this to None disables this automatically. This is helpful to have in case you miss the first notification for whatever reason. If you keep scrolling further, you will see the pop-up notification options: These are self explanatory. Enabling these options will tell Hub to display a browser pop-up message when the action is received. This is configured by each individual browser, and this limits the amount of control we have over these notifications. You can read more about this. Chat Requests As you may have already noticed, Hub is split into two separate tabs; the Conversations tab, and the Team Chat tab. This will allow you to see if there are new messages, even from within the Team Chat view. You will see your incoming live chats 6. The active chat will be displayed in Green, as shown. You can only view one chat at a time, so you will need to navigate between them by clicking on the visitor name on the left-hand side. You can also see a small preview of the last message sent or received. Depending on your maximum number of chats allowed, you will be able to see multiple chats here, and can scroll down to navigate between these if they begin to get obscured by the below tabs. This will detail all of your previous chats from the previous couple of days. This is helpful to quickly reference a chat you had days ago. There are a few things to note here. The agent can both chat portal de and request files from the visitor, as well as ban the visitor. The agent can request vulnerable data such as credit card information using the Secure Date Transfer. Lastly, the agent can end chat portal de chat. All operator variables will be displayed here too. To find out more about Knowledgebases, check out. To read more about Agent Links, check out. As shown in the above screenshot, new Team messages will be displayed in a small bubble next to the Team Chat tab. This is for all team chats which include more than 2 agents. For security purposes, I have blurred some sensitive content. You will also see a tab underneath this called One-on-One 3. This is similar to the Team Chat tab, but it organizes all chats with one other agent specifically. As shown here, once the other agent leaves the One-on-One chat, it will show as -On my own- 4. To view the list of agents who are added to a team chat conversation, click the Notepad Icon 5. To start a Team Chat or One-on-One, click on the + Icon next to the Teams tab 6 or One-on-One tab. This will display a search bar that will allow you to navigate between other colleagues. The Team Chat is a really easy way to ask questions, speak to colleagues, or just have fun. Logging Out To log out, click on your name at the top right-hand corner of the screen. This will bring up a dropdown menu. If you have any other queries or questions regarding Hub, please chat with us!.

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If you have any other queries or questions regarding Hub, please chat with us! São dirigidos para maiores de idade, que, segundo a legislação aplicável, tenham capacidade para acessar produtos relacionados a sexo. This is calculated based on survey responses filled in by visitors after the chat. Agent Settings As mentioned above, you can navigate to your agent settings by clicking on your name, at the top-right-hand corner of Hub. To test out the Hub, just click on the button in the upper right-hand corner 1. This will display a search bar that will allow you to navigate between other colleagues. Hub Toolbar Hub varies slightly from the Chat Portal here, in that the toolbar is split in to two separate sections. The third box displays the average duration of chats from this agent, across all widgets that the agent is added to. Stattdessen markieren wir im Chatverlauf einzelne, werberelevante Wörter mit Direkt-Links zu Angeboten. En resumen, ChatZona te ofrece un chat gratis para ti y para tus amigos, para que podais chatear de forma facil desde nuestra web, o incluir ese chat en la vuestra propia, para chatear en la red que mas ha crecido en los ultimos años, con el mejor ambiente, y la mejor gente. Caso não atenda a algum dos requisitos expostos fica obrigado a clicar em não aceito.