Dercums Disease: Find Best Doctors and Hospitals

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The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Arvelighed Dercums sygdom opstår som regel uden fortilfælde i familien. For at kunne yde mennesker med en sjælden diagnose den nødvendige medicinske behandling og sociale støtte er det derfor vigtigt at være opmærksom på både de enkelte symptomer og det samlede billede for den enkelte. ·Disturbed sleep, many have difficulties going to sleep because of the pain, but other forms of sleeping disorders also occur.

Obesity has been frequently noticed in patients with Dercum's disease, and the exact mechanism has not been clearly defined. Adiposis dolorosa Anders disease Dercum's disease Fatty tissue rheumatism Juxta-Articular adiposis dolorosa Lipomatosis dolorosa morbus dercum's Adiposis dolorosa is characterized by the slow formation of multiple, painful growths consisting of fatty tissue lipomas that are found just below the surface of the skin. Medpedia er et Wikipedia inspireret site vidensdeling på nettet , hvor fagfolk fra hele verden skriver om viden indenfor den medicinsk verden.

Learning About Dercum Disease - Abstract Dercum's disease, also known as adiposis dolorosa, is a rare disease characterized by the accumulation of painful subcutaneous deposits of mature adult fatty tissue around the thighs, trunk, and upper arms and usually in a multifocal distribution.

Does anyone out there know of anyone or any info on dercums disease I have been told it could be another thing to add to my fms and oa but no doc will dx me for sure because they say they dont know enough about it. It is a disease that causes alot of the same symptoms as fibro along with very painful lipoma tumors that multiply rapidly which I am experiencing. The shower is even starting to hurt. Thanks Morbus Dercum Adiposis dolorosa is a chronic disease with mild to intensive pain in the fatty tissue, fatigue and obesity as the most apparent symptoms. But the disease affects the entire body and can present a long list of symptoms. This disorder usually occurs in females between the ages of 25 and 60, but can début in all ages, as well as in younger people and amongst males. It is about 20 times more frequent in females than in males. Dercums Disease, was originally described in the medical literature in 1892 by the American doctor Frances Xavier Dercum. Symptoms Pain in the fatty tumors lasting for at least three months. Often obesity occurs in a short period of time. But there is also a type of Dercums Disease that can occur without overweight. The pain in fat and skin can be very intensive and can be described as aching, stabbing, smarting or burning. Swellings consisting of irregularly shaped soft fatty tissue deposits may occur in many areas of the body. These deposits may spontaneously disappear, leaving hardened lumpy or rope-like tissue or pendulous folds of skin. The pain is chronic and increases with the years, but varies much in cycles. It can exist in practically the entire fatty tissue layer, but most commonly affected are the knees, trunk, forearms and thighs, sometimes sparing of the face and hands. Severe asthenia weakness has morbus dercum emphasized as a feature by some. The pain is spontaneous and increases powerfully even at gentle touch, and massage can feel unpleasant. Other common symptoms are: ·Various areas of the body may swell for no apparent reason. The fingers becomes clumsy, you drop things and sometimes the fingers go numb. ·Disturbed sleep, many have difficulties going to sleep because of the pain, but other forms of sleeping disorders also occur. ·General fatigue, gets worse with even mild activity. ·Tendency to become black and blue that seems to arise spontaneously or after alleviated blow. ·Stiffness after resting especially in the mornings. ·Skeletal pain in wrist, elbows, hips, tail bone and the long bones in arms and legs. ·Headache, usually an combination between tension headache and classic migraine. ·Memory lapses and concentration difficulties makes it difficult to learn new things and to accomplish demanding intellectually jobs. ·Feeling hot is often felt by the patients, some have 37,5-39 Celsius degree fever several weeks in a rowwith increased pain and incapacity to work as consequence. ·Tenderness under the feet, it feels like walking on glass. ·Tenderness in the skin, difficulties to wear tight fitting clothes or take a shower. Frequently increased pain during infections or active allergy attacks. The pain seems to depend on the temperature and the weather and decreases normally at dry heat. Warm baths have a positive but temporary impact, though some patients do not tolerate heat. Generally increases pain in conjunction with menstruation. Sexual relation problems can arise because of the pain. Dercum's pain always exists, regardless if you sleep or are awake. The diagnosis of Dercums Disease implies a long, chronic pain syndrome of debilitating nature. The pain can make it difficult to: walk, drive a car, open the water tap, lift items from shelves, carry bags, open heavy doors, vacuum-cleaning, hang laundry, wash floors, wipe windows etc. Causes The causes of the disease are poorly researched. The symptoms and the lack of treatments can seriously affect the quality of life. Since the disorder does not show on the outside it can be hard for others to see the level of difficulties and discomfort the patient experiences. morbus dercum More than half of the patients are unable to work. The disorder can grow slowly for many years or very quickly because of external stress, such as: surgery, pregnancy or flu. Dercums Disease is thought to be inherited as an autosomal dominant genetic trait ,particularly strong in the line grandmother-mother-daughter. According to the latest research, Dercums Disease is an auto-immune disease such as rheumatism, and not a metabolic disturbance, that was believed earlier. Diagnosis and treatment The Dercums Disease diagnosis is based on what the patient tells and what the doctor finds at his examination. The doctor can also take blood samples in order morbus dercum exclude other diseases. The knowledge about the disorder is not well know and many patients are poorly treated. The treatment of Dercums Disease patients is inadequate. Attempts have been made to get patients to lose weight, but it is extremely difficult. If the patients succeed, the weight loss has little or no effect on the symptoms. Treatment: ·Medication that decreases the pain and improves the sleep ·Massage ·Warmth and warm baths ·Acupuncture ·Practicing relaxation techniques ·Avoiding physical and psychological stress Information about morbus dercum disorder and how to live with it: Treatment morbus dercum Dercums Disease is primarily directed at easing painful episodes. Surgical excision of fatty tissue deposits around joints may temporarily relieve symptoms although recurrences often develop. Intravenous infusions of the local anaesthetic drug lidocaine may give temporary relief from pain. Additional treatments of lidocaine may be necessary periodically to sustain the effect. Another analgesic drug, peroral mexiletine, may also be effective in eliminating pain for variable periods of time. Psychotherapy may be helpful for enabling affected individuals to cope with long-term intense pain. Other treatment is symptomatic morbus dercum supportive. Conclusions: Dercums Disease causes obesity with painful fatty tumor and fatigue. It is a chronic, often very painful disease that has incapacitating consequences. It's obvious that this disease affects all aspects of a patient's life, but the more the patient and relatives morbus dercum about the disorder and how to manage to live with it, the better results they can achieve. Collaboration is needed and occasionally a big effort by the patient to learn to live with the disorder. Patients find that they can no longer do all that was easy before. People with Dercums Disease feel pain for a number of reasons. Small things that other takes for granted, such as wringing a washcloth, opening a can or taking a shower, can be an extremely painful experience. It is important that Dercums Disease patients receive reliable information about the disorder and support from the surrounding community in order to be able to live as positively as possible and that they find their own capabilities. This helps the patient to be less dependent on others, which is of major importance in both family and working life. Resources: Dercum's Disease - Talk about this disease online with others who have it. Join the chat every Tuesday at 7 p. If so, how are we to dispose of the nervous elements present. Equally plain is it there we have not myxoedema to deal with. It would seem, then, that we have here to deal with a connective-tissue dystrophy, a fatty metamorphosis of various stages of completeness, occurring in separate regions, or at best unevenly distributed and associated with symptoms suggestive of an irregular and fugitive irritation of the nerve-trunks — possibly a neuritis … Morbus dercum as fatty swelling and pain are the most prominent features of the disease, I propose for it the name Adiposis Dolorosa. A subcutaneous connective-tissue dystrophy of the arms and morbus dercum, associated with symptoms resembling myxoedema. University Medical Magazine Philadelphia, 1888; 1:140-150. Everthing I have read talks about how rare it is I wasnt sure if anyone would know what I was talking about. I have tried talking to many doctors around my old house and everyone told me it sounded very similar to my symptoms but they didnt know enough about it. I just moved to a new town and hoping to find someone here that knows more about it. I have had 4 of the tumors removed because they caused to much pain. I am also having a severe problems with becoming over weight I went to 135 to 200 in a year and didnt change a thing with my daily activities and diet. I dont believe fibro is dercums I do believe it is a diffrent disease that has very similar symptoms but the painful fatty tumors have to be present for dercums. I have just gotten worried over the years because they are morbus dercum out on my body. I only had them on my arms in legs in the beginning now they are morbus dercum my back and hips. I am worried they will move to my chest area. I am also wondering if the pain in my wrist ankles and knees would be from the dercums not Oa. I am not trying to dx myself by any means I just think the dercums sounds like my symptoms every painful annoying one of them. I beleve it is fms and dercums but who am I to say. Well hope you are feeling well today and in the future. I have fatty tumors that hurt and my Rheumy could not explain why so I want to take him the info supplied from Bakron. I just did a search and found more info on the emedicine website - it has associated conditions and mentions fibromyalgia with a lot more info. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. They don't hurt unless I press on them though. I also went from 134 lbs. I always thought it was the anti-depressants and hormone replacement drugs that put the weight on, and recently finding out I had been hypothyroid all this time, but maybe I am wrong. Please keep us posted on what you find out.

Mystery Diagnosis - The Man With 100 Lumps (Dercum's Disease aka: Adiposis Dolorosa)
Collaboration is needed and occasionally a big effort by the patient to learn to live with the disorder. Treatment is aimed toward alleviation of the specific symptoms that are bothersome in each patient and heavily rests on pain control. Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man Database med information om menneskelige gener og genetiske sygdomme og afvigelser. Vægttab er dog ønskeligt for at forebygge, at der tilkommer nye lipomer, for at personen bevarer mobiliteten og for at undgå stigmatisering som følge af overvægt. Warm baths have a positive but temporary impact, though some patients do not tolerate heat. However, although it is 20 times more common in women, 16 percent of the reported cases are males and it can also occur in people who are not obese The lipomas are located primarily on the trunk region and on the extremities close to the trunk. I have a friend and her whole body has broken out in these lumps she is in constant pain and the doctors don't seem to know what to do. The lipomas can be as small as a grain of rice but they can also grow up to 10 pounds. Often obesity occurs in a short period of time. The differential diagnosis of Dercum's disease is shown in. The exact cause is unknown. In, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion 10.