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Whether you live there and you are hoping to expand your horizons, plan to visit and want to know which apps to try while you're in the for, or you're just wanderlusting and thinking about a potential move dating site in san francisco someday, here are San Franciscans should try. But there is a way to break through dating ennui and find lasting compatibility with someone fantastic. Men are also experiencing ghosting as well. In that case why not use it as an la. It happens to be so simple, because the majority of San Francisco singles are using free dating sites like Cupid. Bottom line - When it comes to dating apps, you should try to focus on finding one person you might have a connection with, rather than file around all the time and swiping right. Although members can also search our database of singles using the ''Have You Met?. I explained to my friend that she should not be offended by the fact that she had been ghosted. She mentioned that it all depends on age, noting that the older a man is, the more serious he will want to be. Hugged by the glittering Pacific and breathtaking bay, we have the world at our fingertips; thus, local dating in San Francisco takes countless shapes and forms. And, in this city, the prime café scene is so rich with choices that the hard part isn't finding somewhere great, it's narrowing down the options. Head to City Kayak to have a guide help you paddle through the night waves to the Ferry Building and Cupid's Span.
I denne opgave vil jeg først redegøre for, hvordan kvinderne fik stemmeret i Danmark og hvor jeg vil beskrive kampen til stemmeretten. Kvinder begyndte selv at engagere sig i kampen for stemmeret, og i 1871 blev Dansk Kvindesamfund stiftet som den første kvindesagsforening, og senere fulgte en række rene valgretsforeninger. Det danske demokrati Danmark blev formelt set et demokrati den 5.
Grønlænderstemmen lyder stærkereOg ønskerne bære frugter'. Det skete i det lille og marginale Ecuador i 1929 landets grundlov gav implicit denne ret allerede i 1897. Og nyskabende former for regeringsførelse — såsom demokratisk deltagelse - opstår da i europæiske eller vestlige stormagter og spredes derfra til resten af verden? Umyndige kvinder Kvinder var underlagt mænd fra fødsel til død - først deres far og siden ægtemanden.
Da kvinderne fik stemmeret i Grønland - Det var ikke kvinderne selv, der rejste bevægelsen, men derimod grønlandske mænd, der forstod, at hvis grønlænderne skulle have indflydelse på deres eget land og egen skæbne, så måtte de have kvinderne med.
I 2015 er det 100 år siden, at kvinderne fik stemmeret i Danmark. En ret, der betød, at kvinderne kunne blande sig i det demokrati, som de er en del af. Forud var gået årtiers kamp, da kvinder fra slutningen af 1800-tallet har kæmpet for deres stemmeret. Op gennem 1800-tallet kæmpede tusindvis af kvindebevægelser for at få valgret. Strømningerne spredte sig også til Danmark. I 1886 foreslog Venstre-politikeren, Frederik Bajer, at man fremsatte et lovforslag om kommunal stemmeret til kvinder, men det var først i 1908, at kvinder blev berettiget til at stille op og stemme til kommunale råd. I 1907 blev paraplyorganisationen Landsforbundet for Kvinders Valgret dannet, der kom til at omfatte 160 lokalafdelinger. Men Danmark var ikke det første land i verden, hvor kvinderne fik stemmeret. New Zealand fik i 1893, som den første selvstændige stat, kvindevalgret i parlamentet. I 1904 blev organisationen International Suffrage Alliance dannet, senere International Alliance of Women, der koordinerede kampen for kvindernes valgret. TV 2 har giver dig overblik over, hvornår kvinderne fik stemmeret i de forskellige lande i verden. Argumentet var, at kvinderne under krigen havde vist sig ligeværdige igennem deres indsats. Dog fik kvinder i Schweiz først stemmeret i 1971, i Portugal 1975 og i Liechtenstein 1984.
Andre år: Kilde: IPU Inter-Parliamentary Union. Geneva and IPU Inter-Parliamentary Union. Her afleverede deputationen for kvindesagsforeningerne en adresse til regering og Idea, hvori der blev udtrykt værdsættelse af den nyerhvervede stemmeret. Gryende bevægelse Både i litteraturen og i samfundsdebatten blev forholdet mellem mænd og kvinder sat til debat i slutningen af 1800-tallet, og sammen med etableringen af en række nye kvindeforeninger blev der sat kvinder stemmeret i tyskland spørgsmålstegn ved kvindernes manglende rettigheder. Hiroshima almindelig valgret Island. Af Nina Javette Koefoed 27. Samme år vedtog delkantonen Appenzell-Rodas at give kvinder stemmeret. De var umyndige som børn, ligesom tyende var det, og det var utænkeligt, at man skulle give disse umyndige borgere ret til at deltage i det politiske liv. Kommunal stemmeret I 1886 fremsatte venstrepolitikeren Frederik Bajer et lovforslag om kommunal stemmeret til kvinder. I 1907 blev Landsforbundet for Kvinders Valgret dannet. De er alle eksempler på ressource-forbandelsen. I 1915 blev kvinder i forbindelse med en grundlovsændring tildelt valgret på si fod med mændene, og som markering heraf organiserede en række af kvindesagsorganisationerne et valgretsoptog den 5.
Consumer protection will be sent a letter on this matter!!! Unfortunately despite the code being in date it did not work.
They keep their door locked even when open. I did use a Groupon to purchase some coffee cups from Starbucks and they came quickly and I was very happy. If you have not redeemed your voucher for the product that you wished to purchase, this may be why you have not received your item. You can post these things but do you stand behind them!!!!
Groupon chose Zendesk Support to help scale support for their massive international business - If so, those entries will be reported as fraudulent. I did try for more than TWO HOURS today.
Contacting Groupon Customer Service Center Groupon is a crowd-sourced couponing website that offers deep discounts for products and services in a particular area. The concept allows business to offer deals and the subsequent savings are passed along to the customer. This is a great ideal for start-up businesses as well as existing businesses in order to drive additional sales and revenue. With so much emphasis placed on the customer, Groupon provides world-class customer service designed to assist the business as well as the potential customer. Contact Info: Phone Contact Numbers Customers have the ability to contact a customer service representative during regular business hours in order to check the status of a deal, inquire about upcoming deals, locate order or find various methods to grow business. The normal business hours are Monday through Friday 10am to 6pm EST. The company typically does not offer live customer support on holidays. Customer Help Center: 1-888-375-5777 Corporate office: 1-312-784-2366 Mailing Address Customers can send correspondence to the corporate office here: Groupon Corporate Office 600 W Chicago Ave. You will need to enter your location or the closest city to your location prior to seeing the deal and promotions. Customers have the ability to sign up for deals and promotions from other cities across the country. Customer Service Email Email communication is typically a faster method to contact customer service, especially after business hours. Customers can contact a representative at. You do not have to sign up for deals in order to contact customer service. Customers merely input name and email address and ask questions. We send an email asking about the requirements for service and are awaiting a response. Our Experience Since Groupon is customer focused, we were excited that the automated system only required a push of one button. Customers select the option, then immediately transferred to a live representative. Total wait time was less than 30 seconds. We asked the customer care agent questions regarding the service and asked what we do when we have a concern. All of our questions were answered without hesitation. The representative appeared to be knowledgeable and rather pleasant. Our experience was perfect. Did you feel the same way when communicating with Groupon? We want to know your thoughts. Groupon is HORRIBLE when it comes to customer service. Their auto response emails tell you to expect a response in less than 24 hours, but sometimes I have waited for 3 FULL DAYS!! Their groupons are unreliable to say the least. Only had a couple that were worth the hassle of dealing with them. Tracking info on your order is no longer updated either. I HIGHLY ENCOURAGE EVERYONE TO BOYCOTT THEM! I emailed and called groupon and they refuse to refund me or credit my account. I called the customer service manager and not only will she not help me, but said that there is actually no one above her and I have no further recourse. This is the WORST customer service I have encountered for a long time and will not be supporting them ever again. Here I come Living Social, EverSave, DealChicken…. I will not support Groupon or any that advertise with Groupon. For the following reason: A lot of local gun owners were hoping to take a concealed handgun course Friday night at a deep discount. Then the Groupon they planned to use was canceled because politics got in the way. Chris Rainey has been teaching gun owners how to safely handle their weapon for the past three years. Groupon worked pretty well for him last month, well before the Sandy Hook school shooting. After running a deal with the online coupon giant, 100 people showed up for his concealed handgun license class. He tried it again this month. Groupon said yes at first and then called back. He said a representative from Groupon told him they stopped honoring all deals that involved guns after getting pressure from anti-gun groups. The category is under review following recent consumer and merchant feedback. He can understand the company wanting to be cautious, but not canceling a CHL class. An Austin instructor set up a similar deal. Groupon pulled the plug after encouraging him to increase the deal because of high demand. This comment is to advise Groupon that I will no longer be purchasing any deals from them. I am incensed that your corporation caved in to pressure to stop offering deals like clay shooting, and other gun sporting events as well as gun safety classes. I am a legal and law abiding gun owner and as such feel you are discriminating against me. I will also be advising my female gun owning friends to do the same. Being a Single 52 year female retired US Army veteran I am appalled at the thought that you would side with those who are trying to strip all law abiding citizens of their 4th amendment Constitutional rights. Your actions of discontinuing Texas gun works their right to offer classes on your site illustrates that you do not respect those rights. I will never to service with you and my 508 Facebook friends will not either. I am sure they will inform their friends of your choice. Online deals company Groupon decided last week to suspend all gun-related deals on its site, making it the latest company to cautiously back away from anything related to firearms. Hey Julie, Shove it we are done with you too! The customer service department is horrible! If you write an email they take several days to respond. I am not satisfied with products that are offered and they do not refund your money! It took 3 e-mails for them to answer me finally. They gave me a web sight to contact for a voucher,but the web sight cannot be found,so I guess I lost my money,it was the first time I have dealt with Groupon and the last. I also think they are a total scam,and they should not get away with it. I actually had to return 2 groupons and the customre service was awesome. I ordered 2 groupons, and once a friend and I went to the business they were charging an upgrade for the service we wanted, so we decided to return the groupon. It was a Saturday so we both sent emails to the customer service email and received an email back on Monday. I instantly got a groupon credit refund, and they request more information from her. We called on Monday afternoon, with no wait during the call, and I requested to get a credit back to my card instead of a groupon, and she requested a credit back to the card as well. We both got exactly what we asked for, with little questions asked. Awesome and super easy! We booked a trip to Penang and Kuala Lumpur. We paid our money. All the flights and stays were confirmed. THEN About six weeks before the trip most of the flight times are changed to horrendous times like flying to Penange at 11. I complained and was emailed the clause that we can change basically whatever they wanted. We have never booked through a group and were very disappointed in that once u pay your money you are a their mercy. Wayne I would like to cancel the two groupon deals for Cohens eyeglasses. Very much disappointed after hearing what my friend went through in the NY store. I want to past on to you a good experience I just had with one of your customer service representatives. I was dissatisfied with a previous Groupon purchased and sent my request into for resolution. I later was notified via email I was denied my request. This morning I contact your customer service department by phone and got Jeremy on the line. After telling him of my situation and dissatisfaction, Jeremy handled it in a most professional way. The issue was resolved in a few minutes and he reinstated my trust once again with Groupon. Hats off to Jeremy for being such a great addition to your team! I hope others can experience his great work and wonderful work ethics. Kindly, Beth Bright Terrible. Bought a boat groupon and provider disapeared! Groupon would not be responsible and credit me the difference. DOING BUSINESS WITH GROUPON IS A MONEY LOSING PROPOSITION. They are completely irresponsible even though they market themselves very customer oriented. And yes, I have added groupon to my contact list, checked my spam filter and even my trashed box, and waited anxiously for the password reset…I grow more and more frustrated as I miss the deals I want to receive! I am ready to just take myself off the list to avoid the disappointment of seeing something I want and not being able to get it! I have found them always to be very understanding and helpful I had a massage groupon, they quickly reimbursed me when I told them the therapist had given me an incorrect address it did not exist I also accidently redeemed groupons 2x by accident, I just called and they fixed it right away. I wonder how many of these places are the ones that do not deliver and not groupon,. Very upset with GROUPON! I have been a loyal groupon fan for a while now. I have been thousands of dollars on groupon specials. And everytime I run into an issue-the customer service is RUDE! All of the numbers including corporate number are busy or you have to wait hours to talk to anyone. I will try to explain and stay calm. I e-mailed my order, including my credit card and my home address. This was per instructions. Is this comment enough to give you some idea of what I think of Groupon? Is this how you do business or is it just me? Thank you for your attention to this matter. Charlotte Cohen The absolute worst experience possible. I ordered 3 items and did not receive credit for the referrals. I spoke with a rep after the purchases and they told me the credit should come through in a couple of weeks. After a few weeks the credits did not come through and I called once again and spoke with customer service. Customer service told me that they would apply the credit and I thought the case was over. However, a few hours later I get an email that my account has been closed. I did not receive the credit promised and lost the groupons purchased. After telling my wife about this she was shocked. She heard the call with customer service and said we left things on good terms. How can this happen? Who can I contact for help with this? I found a groupon I wanted for a massage. Since I had never purchased one before I called the doctor office to find out the process since could not reach customer service. He said just come to office and he would honor groupon price. Suppose to be over 200 savings. Got to his office and was asked to fill out complete medical history, insurance info and date of birth. All this for a massage and muscle therapy. I filled out medical info but not insurance or date of birth. The man at the front desk was clearly upst that I did not give him my date of birth. Date of birth is what is needed to steal a person identity. On the form it also wanted my social security number…also a way to steal identity. As I was laying face down with my eyes closed I never thought that my date of birth, credit cards, and insurance info was across the room unprotected. Groupon needs to warn customers these things are not a requirement to get a massage. It sounds more like identity or insurance fraus or both. I have 2 separate purchases made through Groupon that must be returned, due to allergic reactions. Thia is getting frustrating! I purchased these 2 Groupons while on vacation in Florida, I also purchased others that were fine. But I have NEVER had a problem with Groupon Canada. I need to return these items ASAP. Thank You I have 2 separate purchases made through Groupon that must be returned, due to allergic reactions. This is getting frustrating! I purchased these 2 Groupons while on vacation in Florida, I also purchased others that were fine. But I have NEVER had a problem with Groupon Canada. I need to return these items ASAP. I bought a facial and the company can not seem to find any times available for me to use it. They have also cancelled the appointment I had scheduled the day I was to go in. I want my money back GROUPON!!! Ordered a bed ensemble consisting of comforter, dust ruffle, shams, pillows, White on blue pattern and sheets blue on white pattern as shown in the ad picture. Arrived with plain blue sheets not even matching the blue shade of the comforter set. False advertising at its best. I would like to give the poorest review to Spaa Heaven in Lansing. I went to the business and had to leave a note because no one was there during regular business hours. They keep their door locked even when open. For the first time in my numerous groupon coupons bought, my last coupon has turned my taste off to any Groupon purchases. I bought a coupon for a haircut, highlights, and blow dry. When I got there I mentioned that gray hair is stubborn, but that I wanted lowlights so that my grey hair would have medium brown lowlights. She said that it would come out more the next day, and that she is seeing it, so I left. The next morning, I noticed there was absolutely no medium brown lowlights and called them. They told me to come in. When I came in, I was approached by 3 stylists, and all said that they saw them. I had them take out the book where the color swatch was out, and matched it to my hair. They still tried to convince me otherwise. The last comment that ended my patience was when one stylist said that if they were to do a full head application that the stylist did not have the time. I chose just to leave, and when I was waiting for my friend I heard them talking poorly about me in front of all their customers. I will never use Lisa B Salon ever again, nor GroupOn, mainly because it appears that getting a discount brings a reputation of a customer that may only want a deal rather than a decent place where they may want to come back. I was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis a couple of years ago and I had a real hard time getting around and doing the things that I wanted to do. Then I had to try some drugs that was even worst I was still very sore and unable to do the things that I most wanted to do. I spoke to my doctor and told him that I wanted to try acupuncture he said by all means try it. I gave it a try with Dr. Chunhui Liu I went for 4 treatments and I started to feel much better. I am on my 8th treatment and I am able to do much more I will be forever grateful for this chance. I am sure that I will have to come back again in the future, but you can be sure that I will come back to Dr. Chunhui Liu he is very caring, gentle and he knows his acupuncture and the human body for sure. I want to change my email since I no longer can access the old one but am unable to even contact Groupon Customer Support without signing in. It is a vicious cycle. One should be able to go online and contact support without signing in. From time to time I get a pitch for a Groupon deal like the one I got today. It is far from rare and I think it is unethical if not illegal in that the email was sent to ME and the offer, on the surface, looks like a typical Groupon offer. To say that it honks me off is a big understatement. Got a room in San Diego at The Declan Suites for over 500 bucks for three nights and there is no restaurant or pool or jacuzzi or workout gym. Have a photo from their elevator saying all these are located on the 12th floor. They have none of these things sorry. So we wanted to go check out the pool. We asked the peeps at front desk how to get to it. I bought the groupon and when I went to change the oil, the people at the store told me I had to pay for the tax and other fees. I recently moved to another state so was asking to have my info updated so I only receive groupons for my area. I was instructed to change my info which I did BUT the problem is I have to updte that info EVERY TIME I WANT TO SEE PROMOS FOR MY AREA. I certainly do NOT need groupon offers for KS when I live in PA! Thanks, Denise Streitman We purchased a Groupon promotion for Sparkle Clean several months ago. The service was great. I asked for a price non Groupon and the owner gave me a price. The owner arrived and did not do the cleaning. He said he had told his people to not schedule us because he lost money on the job. Why did he show up and why did he give me a price at the last cleaning? I do not think you are doing Groupon any good allowing someone with this mans character to participate in your program. John Lenhart Ordered Brazillian treatment by Steven Mata who put me on his list one month after my purchase. I have been patiently waiting for a month. The day before my appointment, Steven texted me and cancelled on me for his sickness. He refused and called me to shut up!!! This is just so wrong! Groupon really should learn from Amazon who is so responsible to their customers. They are supposed to be the ones who discipline their venters and satisfy their customers. Never thought this would happen to me… Love, love, love Groupons. We are retired and tried our first Travel Groupon to Lisbon, Portugal in April. Please, please, please offer a trip to Barcelona soon; getting ready to take off on yet another vacation and want to do Groupon again. You are the best!!! DO NOT USE Black Car Sedans! They are a bogus company that never answers their phones with a human being, or returns the messages you have left them. The web site is fictional and the appointments made are totally disregarded. I scrambled for a round trip airport shuttle after being left stranded by Black Car Sedans. They are a FALSE COMPANY. I have had THE worst experience. I called customer service today and He said it was escalated…. And yes, i received this via email. I will never order from Groupon again. Regarding redeeming a Printerpixs Groupon. Bought in May of this year and would never recommend this to anyone. Bought a 20 x 16 Groupon and to get a picture they would except had to go all the way down to a 10 x 8 for a photo to meet their min. At least I have now used the Groupon and am done with it. Sincerely, Judith Cameron My husband and I stayed in a Wildwood hotel using a groupon. I always get confused between an ocean-view and an ocean-front room. To say the least, we were assigned a corner view of the ocean. When I asked if I could upgrade to an ocean-front room the woman said that people using groupons are not permitted to have ocean-fronts. It embarrassed me and made me feel cheap but we still stayed. Do not give them your C. They will use it for fraudulent transactions against you. I had to cancel my credit card do to this CO. They had charged up to 11 transactions in a 24 hr. I have know come to the conclusion, that this might-not be that good of a deal after all. I would look elsewhere for a discount Comp. My son never received notice of the gift. Since so many of us are having problems with Groupon to simply reply, my attorney David B. It is not so much the money as the principle of their service. Courtesy matters when you are in business. I spent the greater part of the day yesterday trying to get ahold of somebody to help me with a gift card for Groupon. I was transferred back and forth between two service places both kept transferring me to the other. I have been an avid user of Groupon in the past. I will rethink that for the future. Have ordered several times from groupon without difficulty. What a shame I enjoyed the convenience. I have called 3 time today, and each time estimate waiting time is 15 Min~20 min, but over a hours, there is no customer service pick up the phone. I use to like Groupon, and purchased a lot through them, if I know there are much bad service, I will not order through them again. So I called Groupon customer service since today is the last day for a refund due to the 3 day refund policy but I was put on hold for a very long time and then the customer service line was closed for the day. Can customer service or anyone who knows the policy on returning unredeemed vouchers within the 3-day window please post how to do it. We only got our dryer vent cleaned out. Do Not Purchase from them. It is a rip off! I have concerns with the newer version of your app. There seems to have been a step removed. I have accidentally purchased a haircut… When the description said there were two options a pressed proceed in hopes to select the option without the foils… But instead it just thanked me for my purchase — of the more more expensive option that included foils. Super annoying but not really worth an email. I would gladly send screen shots if I had an actual email address to correspond with. Find a way, please to stop all of these emails. Marking them as spam is not what I want. Telling me that these emails are generated by the retailers that Groupon supports is not an answer. Obviously Groupon knows the names, addresses and email information of their retailers and can therefore, should they choose to take the time, contact them and remove me from the many, many, many annoying emails I receive under the general label of Groupon. I WANT THEM TO STOP NOW. I purchased today thru Groupon dinner at Tokyo Japanese Steakhouse,located at Boylston St. Boston, but when I presented the coupon the person at the desk, Amy Lin, refused to honor the deal. We had to leave and go to another restaurant. Love Groupon… except: paid for a DNA kit for a gift. I love to browse offerongs but HATE that returning to full listing takes you to beginning of list rather than back to item you just checked so you have to plunk through entire list to see next offerings. I have not been happy with the customer support availability of groupon. It is very difficult to reach them, even with e-mail. I now have 3 groupons that need to be refunded because the place went out of business Groupon never contacted me as promised and 5 other groupons that I have not been able to use due to difficulty in communicating with the supplier. Most service suppliers are not happy when you come in carrying your groupon. After a month I did not receive my order with Groupon. I was told there is no info on first call. Second call was told often vendors do not take down offer and you will pay for out of stock products and later get refunded. I have been told that I should get it in a few days — well see! I was booked on Spirit airlines for a trip to NY to see my dead aunt at her funeral. I got to Spirit check-in desk 45 mins before the plane was scheduled to leave and told my situation and that I was in a hurry to get to the plane. I was told because I was not at the desk an hour before take off they could not let me in. I asked for a Supv and the representative went to the back and I stand there for 20 mins waiting for a Supv who then said it would be impossible at this point to let me on. I missed the funeral and my aunt was cremated. I never saw her again and have not filed with that terrible company again. In my case it was the last flight. I have tried every telephone number associated with Groupon. I have read every thing about cancelling. I have tried repeatedly to get through somewhere to complain about a purchase where the provider has a full mail box, does not return emails and when I went in person, no sign, and really no reasonable explanation. I am contacting my credit card company and filing a complaint and cancelling my account. I wondered green shaker kit. My account has been debited £18. Delivery said within 7days. I have tracking no jc414946320GB. On checking it parcel is still waiting to be dispatched. I have contacted groupon by telephone, have been advised can take up to. HELEN BOYLE LOUSY cust. Tried to get groupon help by phone, computer said my wait time would be betw 50 to 60 mins. At first Groupon was very customer friendly. Now they just suck. Thx for nothing Groupon My package was not delivered by UPS as the tracing information indicated. UPS was very cordial, apologetic and understanding but explained the shipper had to be the one to initiate an investigation. I contacted Groupon and the ONLY solution they offered was for me to check with my numbers. They would not initiate an investigation. UPS was kind enough to make an exception and started an investigation for me. Only problem is, if my package cannot be located, my money gets refunded back to GROUPON, not me. Good job, Groupon, stay classy. My first and last transaction with Groupon. I have been on hold for customer service for over 2 hours and 20 minutes and still holding after I was told the wait would be between 50 minutes and 1 hour which is already WAY too long to have to wait. This is beyond ridiculous. I bought a traffic school online program from Groupon. When I went to put in the voucher code on the online traffic schools website to redeem the voucher the code was incorrect. The traffic school said I should talk to Groupon. Groupon said I should talk to the traffic school. Long story short I have been on calls to both companies for over 5 phone calls. The wait time for Groupons customer service is over 50 minutes and I still do not have a resolution. The waiter cornered me said insulted me front of my date. I meant to complain rightway away but forgot until today as my habit to check groupon email and saw something interesting so I wanted to buy this groupon but when remember that incident I changed my mind. Never using groupon again. Mohammed Ripped off by Groupon again! What a rip off!!! What a joke, what a rip off! What a mistake, Groupon has gotten labeled with again! I am very surprised with my order. I ordered the deal get 8 packs of cottenelle flushable wipes for 13. I guess this may be the last time I buy, Pretty exspensive wipes, I could of bought 1 pack for under 4. My daughter and I purchased Sparks furnace cleaning from Groupon. I declined and never once heard the sound the whole winter. My daughter had her furnace cleaned to sell home, and they red flagged it saying she needed a new furnace. Sparks cleaned chimney and told her it had cracked crown and flaking. They gave her a huge bill for repair. I do not believe these people are reputable, merely looking to make money through Groupon. I assumed that Groupon would ck out the status of aompanys they endorse. BBB does not endorse this company, neither should you! VEry unhappy with these transactions! I have bought many times from groupon never a problem , but now I ordered Iphone covers, that I never received. Called customer service and the person was very rude. He said mailman gave it to my neighbor. My neighbor said no he did not receive any package. Groupon customer service said to bad I still have to pay for it. I really wish that they would make a category just for all the sex stuff. I like to buy from Groupon but lately every other picture is of a sex related item. I am not against any of this but really hard to explain when you are looking at the merchandise and your five year old grandson wants to know what a dildo is. Please use some discretion. I work with several people who have the same complaint and have already deleted the app and no longer purchase from you. Thank you I have a Groupon for the Bevo Mill in St. Louis, MO for Sunday brunch, and I got sick and was unable to eat anything that day, so I called the number listed on the Groupon on that Sunday morning and tried to cancel. My call was picked up by an answering machine that said that the messages was full and to call back on Monday morning. I looked for another number to call on the internet, phone book and 411 but could not find one. I called back on Monday morning around 9:00 a. My husband called him and told him that he had been sitting next to me that Sunday morning and that I was telling the truth. The Manager hung up on him. I again, stood by my position that I did call, etc. I purchased a Groupon for Rugs USA erugs. This experience has been so frustrating that I may never purchase anything from Groupon again. The actual rugs you can purchase with your Groupon are NOT on the web site printed on the Groupon. There is no phone number for help at Rugs USA listed on the Groupon. My groupon promotional value expires today and I could just cry. My advice, never, ever purchase one of these Groupons!!!! I purchased a groupon for a couples massage to Sparagon Massage in Studio City. Not sure if Groupon checks out the Groupons they sell but this place was dirty paint peeling ceilings panels falling apart, carpet dirty and the couples massage was done in 2 different rooms with the door in the middle open. My Masseuse was aroung 80 years old and smelt awful. This place should be shut down and groupon should not advertise for them. As this was my first time placing an order with Groupon it will also be my last….. I will be letting everyone know how bad your service is yours unimpressed Jeanette Lapsley I usually love Groupon, and have found great local deals, but I plan to stop buying Groupon Goods. Keep in mind that you must return within 14 days. The tracking number now shows me that my item is in another state, so I hope Groupon Customer Service will finally refund my money, after I have waited 6 weeks. It has been less than 14 days only 10 , and I cannot get a satisfactory response from the e-mail support. I suspect this will be the last Groupon Good I will ever purchase. Groupon, please improve your customer service so that you will not loose loyal customers! I placed two seprate orders a few weeks ago … It is the ink for my printer. Anyone else with this problem should contact their states Attorney general with this problem and for the lack of customer service on orders gone bad. I am soooooo pist right now. Vibrators that resemble penises and with other attachments and gels to enhance the experience! How do I remove this or unsubscribe to Groupon?! I am totally frustrated with the lack of follow up from Groupon customer service. I have asked many times through your email customer service site to address the following 1. Someone purchased a groupon on July 31st under my account and no one has been able to tell me how that happened. Groupon did remove the charge but has not been able to tell me how this charge happened. The same day, July 31st someone used a groupon that I had purchased at the holly hotel and no one has given any feedback. I hope you can understand my frustration and no resolution to any of my conerns. Glen Bauer I find it almost impossible to receive customer support. It is very difficult to find your contact phone number or email on the website. When I use your support system, either I get a standard reply that does not answer my question at all or I am told that I have to wait 30 minutes on the phone for a support person. Not a happy customer at all. Heidi I just wanted to edit my email address. I love the deals you offer but your support really sucks! I just to a class on SIX SIGMA yellow belt, you might want check it out and improve your support service. Thank You I purchased a 2 hour Amsterdal Peddle Pub out of St. I had reserved a date and then called to change it. It is scheduled for Oct. I received a call from the person in charge of the Peddle Pub and double booked our time slot. I think they should contact the other party and tell them they cannot take the time slot because of their mistake. I do not want a credit if this cannot be resolved. I want my cash back and will not use Groupon again. By the way, this was my first time using it. I will also let this known to my facebook friends. I received an email informing me that a vendor had closed its doors and to contact Groupon to request a refund for the Groupon I purchased. I tried to follow the written instructions. However, when I entered the information in the provided space and tried to send it, nothing happens. I clicked on the box and there was no functionality. So unable to get that to work I tried phoning for help. That was a total waste of time. It seems you work very hard to prevent customers from receiving help from the customer service department. So I am trying this way to contact some person that might be able to assist me. Here is the information I tried to send but was not able because the email function on the site does not work. I am contacting you about a refund for Chicago Ribs. Will you credit my account for this? Good thing you told me. I was going to eat there Saturday night prior to the Walter Trout concert in Huntington Beach. Do you have any other BBQ Groupons that are active now that I could use as a substitute? I purchased a Body Logics groupon. I think that was the name. It is on my account. They messed my eyebrows up and told me I could not come back for it to be fixed for 4 weeks, due to healing time. I could not get back for 6 weeks due to scheduling. I went back and was told they could not fix the mistake, but if I did not put healing meds on it, it would fade away. Another 6 weeks passes and no change. They say there is nothing they can do. I will have to pay to get it removed. I can send you pictures if you need proof. I was told I would get a free groupon as a refund that would match the same amount. I am not sure if I can trust the groupon and its providers. Sandy Cambria I recently booked a standard room at the Mt. Laurel Resort in the poconos PA through Groupon. She charged my card for the upgrade room, however, never credited my account for my initial booking of a standard room and told me to contact Groupon for my refund, which I did and was told there was nothing they could do about it!!! Very nice customer servicing Groupon. You claimed to have reached out to the resort staff, however, if you actually had I am quite sure they would confirm the fact that they had no issues with giving me an upgrade. I feel ripped off and betrayed by Groupon and will think twice before ever utilizing your services again. I have now been charged for two rooms, when I only used one!!! I ordered 2 sets of a pillow offer way back — I followed your instructions on how to get them. I have spent over 2 hours tyring to work on this and nothing — wasted time, money and sleep — this is a joke if this is the way you treat people! Sarah I want my orer and I want someone to fricken help me! Groupon Customer Service was hard for me to come around. Finally found it and they took care of all of my questions. I recently bought 7 groupon for Xmas boat parade dates 1-15. I called from nov 1 could not reach them. Finally today I get them and my dates dec 13 is not available. One was the reusable hand warmers which were the little ones you use once and throw away and the other was a defuser that was supposed to come with 2 oils and was shipped without the oils and without a cord to plugbit in. How do I handle this? Why order from a place that ruined me getting my aunt a gift on her birthday. My phone number is 502-362-1268 please call me and lets get this straight before I have to start with the process that will show people how you scam disabled veterans that cant do for themselves, i just wanted my money back like you promised and for you to remove the things I never ordered to get back at me for requesting a refund from the flower scam. I have not been able to use it before the promotional value expires on December 3, 2015. I understand your rules the voucher for the Texas Winos never expires but the promotion code does. What does this mean to me in dollars and cents?? I purchased 2 vaulted tempered glass screen protectors for the I Phone 5 on November 12th and still have not received them. They were to go to 3124 Post Rd Sarasota Fl 34231 I was supposed to get them the 19th but have not received them. The so called I Pod cover I purchased got here before the date, only problem it was for an I Phone not a pod. I just need the screen covers, you were paid so where are they? Please get them shipped ASAP i need them. Thanks, Bobbi Neal I have been trying for over a week now to use these vouchers I purchased 2 of them, each 40 pages and create the books. My intention was to give them as Christmas presents. I have never had any trouble with other sites. All of my pictures have been taken with either an iPhone 6 or a very high priced Nikon camera. I am beyond frustrated and would like a refund. I have no desire to do anything with Printerpix. I would appreciate someone contacting me ASAP by e-mail. Worst customer service I have ever experienced. I placed an order and sent an email inquiry and this was my response from customer service. Of course, this is not the experience we want you to have when using Groupon. Please allow up to 10 business days for this to be reflected on your statement. Situations like this can sometimes occur due to an unexpected inventory shortage or a complication with the shipment while in transit; but obviously, this is not the outcome we had hoped for. Please let me know if I can help with anything else. I did not ask them to cancel my order. I CALLED AND THE WAIT TIME TO SPEAK TO SOMEONE IS 2 HOURS. Worst customer service I have ever experienced. I placed an order and sent an email inquiry about my order becuase the status kept saying it was packed and ready to ship since November 30th below is the response from customer service. Of course, this is not the experience we want you to have when using Groupon. Please allow up to 10 business days for this to be reflected on your statement. Situations like this can sometimes occur due to an unexpected inventory shortage or a complication with the shipment while in transit; but obviously, this is not the outcome we had hoped for. Please let me know if I can help with anything else. Regards, Archana Groupon Customer Support I did not ask them to cancel my order. I CALLED AND THE WAIT TIME TO SPEAK TO SOMEONE IS 2 HOURS. POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE AS A COMPANY. I AM SURE THEY DO NOT CARE. This was my first time ordering anything from groupon and will be my last unless they make this deal good which I am sure they wont. They should not sell stuff they do not have. This was a gift. I think I will contact our local news station about the practices groupon does. Was charge dofr an order placed 2x and sent two confirmations with identical confirmation numbers. Called the service number and was told there is a greater than 3 hour wait to talk to someone. Sad I liked groupon and have been using them for years. I have a problem signing in, when I try resetting password, it tells me I need to sign up, when I try signing up, it says the email address is already taken. I used the Live chat and they DID NOT help AT ALL. His name is Andrew Mark P. AND ANDREW MARK P DISCINNECTED ME WITHOUT HELPING. How do you conduct business? Please help with this problem ASAP. Thank you I think your company is terrible! Two days after receiving, I tried to use it. I contacted your customer service and was told that the records show I never received this. I think your company is not trustworthy and you are cheating people. I feel bad for anyone who falls for your lies! I am not one of them. I have deleted your app from my phone and I do not plan to purchase anything from you. I will let anyone I know not to purchase from you as well. I waited on hold for 20 min, went into virtual hold. I then called back and the wait time was over an hour. I sent an email and it has been a week and I have not heard anything. I redeemed my groupon and did not get a print out. I need to either cancel the order or get the product opened again, so that I can place the order. It is too late for Christmas now, so I believe that I will have to cancel it. I wanted to use a MyvoucherCodes 20% off Groupon code. Unfortunately despite the code being in date it did not work. Immediately after placing my order I informed Groupon of this and asked them to use the code retrospectively. To me this is just avoidance tactics and not on. I really need this phone ASAP so if you could please get back to me as soon as you can I would truly appreciate it. Very very disappointed with GROUPON!!!!!! I ordered a water fountain and it came through broken! I have spent my money and expect a new one!!!! You can post these things but do you stand behind them!!!! Very disappointed in your speaking to someone!!!! Consumer protection will be sent a letter on this matter!!! I decided to call a second time to make sure the product gets to me at the address and 4 minutes turns into 20 minutes? Your return policy stinks. They already have one and I need to purchase them another gift now. I am keeping one of them—-returning the second one. Thank-you or I will shop elsewhere!!!! Please credit my PAYPAL acct. Do not purchase any newspaper subscriptions from Groupon! Please Help Groupon tried emailing and website stays froze up and I have spent countless hours trying to call customer service to get an actual person and never get anywhere HELP!! Your customer service is the absolute worst. I was charged twice for a voucher. When I noticed the charges on my credit statement, I tried to call the number given and was informed there was a two hour wait. When I sent an email, I waited for two days to get a reply. Only to be told that I can only get a credit because I waited too long. As if it were my fault. I wrote back and never gat an answer. Obviously, I would stay away from GRPN in the future and advise anyone I that will listen to me To stay away. I tried to notify the BBB but they have so many many letters on file that it would be useless. Good bye………to a company that will most likely not be in business for much longer.. Aside from going to the salon I am at a loss as to why she is not returning my messages. I contacted the person who rents the space to Ms Pavlak to see if possibly she was no longer providing services, but she told me yes she is still there. I am so disappointed because I was not able to have my hair done for the holidays, since my budget was tied up in the groupon. Please let me know if there is something that can be done. Wnuk I used Live Chat and spoke to someone who was unable to help me. The app keeps telling me unrelated reasons for my order not going through. At the end of the chat, which was more waiting than chatting, the rep told me to call customer service. This is so frustrating. I think you keep records of Chats. I love live chats on other sites for solving problems. So—got confirmation that it was reset-but still could nto log in. Tried again later—reset—it was confirmed but —still could not log in. NO Way to email—NONE—then I found this site—called the help number. I could NOT understand the person—and even with my name, my email —and giving him one of my order numbers—he was unable to help me. He could see my account and commented that I was a loyal customer of Groupon. I rate this about a Zero for customer service. I look in My Groupon and found out that the only thing showing is the picture of the product purchased but no numbers at all , can you please send me the number if theres one? I also had problems with the window tinting warranty , my back window was peeling and they did not honor the warranty because was paid with a groupon , so there was the savings , I have to came up with some money to fix it, I bought this groupon in 2012 While checking your site today I wanted to see the offer for Catalina Island boat trip on the Catalina Flyer from Newport Beach. I did not request a buy as I was just interested in looking at offer. Somehow it took it as a buy. I was not purchasing it at this time, especially since availability not available before I am leaving California to return to Colorado. Please cancel this order. Thank you for your assistance. Please confirm that this has been cancelled Lesson learned, I will NEVER order anything off of Groupon again, unless it is a certificate that I can print on site. I ordered a phone on January 20th with the advertisement stating it will ship in 2-3 business days. It is now February 3rd and just spoke with someone stating it will be to me by February 8th?!?! A couple of weeks ago I contacted groupon looking for tickets to the rodeo at the Kissimmee fairgrounds. I needed four tickets and the order form assumed one no option. I was visiting Florida that week. I participated in a CHAT discussion and got no results or satisfaction. Since then I have been receiving Groupon E-mails. I am not interested in receiving groupon information nor do I want to be a member of any shopping club. I trust that I have not been charged any fees since I received no satisfaction. If so, those entries will be reported as fraudulent. Richiesta rimborso Coupon cod. The other one involved my electing to have a call back. I need to talk to a local groupon person in Hampton roads. Have contacted customer care twice.. Even though they missed dates, they dont bother to mail. I think I lost my 50 bucks that my card was charged for. Order 459567736 Is someone from Groupon gonna respond.. Give the job to a teacher that knows how to take something complex, simplify it and present it to the customer The most horrendous customer service I have ever seen! I had placed items in my shopping cart and was unable to proceed from the Shopping cart to checkout. Every time I clicked on the proceed to checkout button, the shopping cart page would only reload. I called customer service and spoke with Grelv, who not only was unable to help me but flat out refused to transfer me to another representative or when requested multiple times to a supervisor. She tried to tell me I had items in my cart that I had not placed in my cart, so we clearly were not even looking at the same screen. Also, she kept telling me to just reinstall the Groupon Application even through I told her multiple times I am on a desktop computer shopping on the website, not on a mobile device. Again, I requested to speak with another representative and a supervisor several times and she refused to transfer me. I will be canceling my account and will not support a business with such poor customer service who treats their employees like this! In the meantime, I have flights, rental cars and tickets for a vacation and no place to stay. I will think twice about booking vacations through Groupon again. Excellent help from Luke on the customer service phone line to resolve fraud charge. So glad to know that Groupon was able to catch the suspicious charge immediately. I did have trouble contacting customer service online as my account had been locked and email came up as invalid in the system. Recommend you link the phone no. I receive two or more Groupon emails every day. About 80% of the services and products offered in those emails are massages, facials and mani-peds that are of no interest to me and probably most men. I have begun deleting those emails without even looking at them. Please advertise those items on separate emails so that I can unsubscribe from those that will never interest me. I would continue receiving ads about things that might be of interest to me. I do occasionally find such items. I tried the live chat for my problem reaching the travel company. It took a very long time to get to the chat person. I continue to try to reach Indus travels, no one calls me bac, I get a response, email is bad, retuned to me. However, I have tried to reach them over the last few days and with no success. I will CALL groupon to see if they can help me. I may need help to get refunded for this trip. I need someone who can help. I have followed the instructions to a T. Now I am registering a complaint. Within minutes 2 consecutive calls came in from the number I had called. But then things got strange. It was the longest, most needlessly painful phone session I have ever had while making a GROUPON appointment, or any appointment for that matter! But then matters became even worse. I was not available to take the calls when they came in, but I noted that a message was left. I checked the message. I called back at 10:13 PM, expecting voicemail for a hair salon. Logically and intuitively I had lost all confidence that I would receive a competent, professional and enjoyable experience. These circumstances constitute FRAUD. This is the first time ordering item from site, and definitely the last!! The comforter set I ordered was by Chic Donnela; but the one received is by Hailee. May type that is the reason the colorsI ordered looks lighter. The one that came is a darker shade blue? Please advise me as to how to send this item back ASAP! There has been no response from you on the previous request days ago. Please take this matter serious — just as you did when you debited my vpcredit card! Hello, I have a question. Tomorrow I Will buy a groupon in Canada for a boattour in Harrison Hot springs. I changed my creditcarddetails because I have a new card. Many times I buy a groupon for the USA and also for Panama, no problem. Always I can buy groupons. It was not possible today to buy the groupon. The addres and the zipcode I changed for my address in Holland I try the address in California and I used the addres from my first hotel in Canada. I can not open now groupon com I see 403 Forbidden. It is a short remining time. Kind regards, Corien Dijkhuizen from the Netherlands. Sometimes you just need a real. I have emailed several times over the last two months. I got locked out of my account and had to start a new one. I asked for help with stopping an order that comes every two weeks. I thought I was ordering one sample. I can not find a name to make the orders stop or send them back. I ordered a hello cupcake voucher and it disappeared on me. I was ordering daily from group on but since I did not get help I have stopped ordering. I need to return the 20 boxes that will not stop coming and also find out why vouchers disappear. Please do not say you will help me again and not respond. I do not even want to go to the mail box because of all the boxes. It was a gift and I was unable to pull up the voucher to redeem it. Also my account is showing that the order for Pro Flowers has been redeemed, it has not. That was to have been credited to my account also. I would appreciate an update immediately!!!! Sincerely, Jean Ballard I have purchased A LOT from GROUPON and have been basically pleased with most if not all of my purchases. However, I purchased a Car Care package. When I went to the place, it was so dirty and the people working there did not speak very good English. When I asked where they did the repairs, the guy pointed to the back of the building. When I told him I would need synthetic oil, he gets on the phone and calls someone. He then hands the phone to me and says she speaks English. When I tell the lady on the phone what I need, she informs me there will be an additional charge. After seeing the business, I was not about to use this company. This has definitely made me think twice before I order again from Groupon. My business might have to go elsewhere!!! I bought 2 Groupons on Jan 15, 2016. I presented them to Active Life Chiropractic before the expiration date. Active Life Chiropractic says that they never authorized these Groupons and that they will not accept them. I would like a refund on my credit card for the amount that I paid Groupon for these. I did a live chat earlier today, as well as speak to someone from Groupon on the phone. Neither one resolved my problem. The Groupon states: Did you forget to use this? All other terms still apply. I am VERY disappointed in Groupon!! Regardless of the outcome, I am done with Groupon forever. To whom it may concern, I had spoken to one of your agents about a credit that I had not received yet. That very day my statements came in the mail and showed that you had refunded my account. You had sent me the wrong item and were not willing to exchange it for the one I had ordered. My order was ID LG-5FF9-CJHL-5MNJ-3LTL i want to uninstall froupon!!! This was my second call on a package and I received no information, only told we are still within the delivery window. I will NOT recommend Groupon to anyone! I purchased a Groupon for 3 facials for a local spa. I called multiple times to try and schedule an appointment to use them or to even gift it for my Mother-in-Law for her Birthday New Years. Every time I called the business it went straight to voicemail saying she was with a client but would return my call as soon as possible. I left multiple messages, I called at different times a day, different days of the week. All my calls went straight to voicemail. Finally I emailed Groupon for help. I received 3 emails saying they were working on a solution. They never called me themselves. FINALLY the spa lady called me back saying that she was out of work due to an injury the last couple weeks and had forgot to change her voicemail. She apologized and we made an appointment. I am SO happy I did not gift this Groupon just to have my Mother-in-Law ignored as well. I am VERY leery about purchasing anything else from Groupon. If I am not happy with the Spa I will post all of the Spa details — name, address, owner etc. I did use a Groupon to purchase some coffee cups from Starbucks and they came quickly and I was very happy. Not sure if that was because it was Starbucks and they value their customers or if I got lucky or Groupon actually worked the way it was supposed too. I purchased a Groupon for 3 facials for a local spa. I called multiple times to try and schedule an appointment to use them or to even gift it for my Mother-in-Law for her Birthday New Years. Every time I called the business it went straight to voicemail saying she was with a client but would return my call as soon as possible. I left multiple messages, I called at different times a day, different days of the week. All my calls went straight to voicemail. Finally I emailed Groupon for help. I received 3 emails saying they were working on a solution. They never called me themselves. FINALLY the spa lady called me back saying that she was out of work due to an injury the last couple weeks and had forgot to change her voicemail. She apologized and we made an appointment. I am SO happy I did not gift this Groupon just to have my Mother-in-Law ignored as well. I am VERY leery about purchasing anything else from Groupon. If I am not happy with the Spa I will post all of the Spa details — name, address, owner etc. I did use a Groupon to purchase some coffee cups from Starbucks and they came quickly and I was very happy. Not sure if that was because it was Starbucks and they value their customers or if I got lucky or Groupon actually worked the way it was supposed too. I purchased a Groupon for 3 facials for a local spa. I called multiple times to try and schedule an appointment to use them or to even gift it for my Mother-in-Law for her Birthday New Years. Every time I called the business it went straight to voicemail saying she was with a client but would return my call as soon as possible. I left multiple messages, I called at different times a day, different days of the week. All my calls went straight to voicemail. Finally I emailed Groupon for help. I received 3 emails saying they were working on a solution. They never called me themselves. FINALLY the spa lady called me back saying that she was out of work due to an injury the last couple weeks and had forgot to change her voicemail. She apologized and we made an appointment. I am SO happy I did not gift this Groupon just to have my Mother-in-Law ignored as well. I am VERY leery about purchasing anything else from Groupon. If I am not happy with the Spa I will post all of the Spa details — name, address, owner etc. I did use a Groupon to purchase some coffee cups from Starbucks and they came quickly and I was very happy. Not sure if that was because it was Starbucks and they value their customers or if I got lucky or Groupon actually worked the way it was supposed too. I continuously talk with the service team about refunds and issues. One said she will come back after looking into it yet I have a photo of how she closed the conversation- ended it without helping. I expect refunds for the three I have asked for since the beginning of February. I will take the next step too. I bought a groupon for car detailing from eye max. I tried to schedule an appointment and they advised me they have closed the business. I was originally speaking to Shaswath R who was suppose to look into it and ended the chat instead of helping. I then got Janani V. Who said she would not refund me and that is what I requested. The Clogs orders I received Black and a Blue pair are not what I expected. My husband has been extremely ill pancreatic cancer and I have not had time to figure out how to return the two clog orders I purchased Jan. I had no idea they were patent leather. I know that the deadline has passed, but this is the first time that I have had difficulty trying to contact someone in order to return. The only other Groupon I returned was a dish that I had ordered that came broken. Hello my name is Ted Thornton I am very upset with Groupon. I purchased a groupon on March 24, 2017 from Horn blower which is a afternoon Jazz cruise which departs out of New York. My intentions was to fly to New York with my wife for her birthday which is April 2nd. Well after we arrived to New York on April 1st we stayed the night and the very next day we were told to go to pier 40 in New York at 12pm for departure. We arrived their at 11:45 to find out that they were not taking any groupon passengers. I purchased my groupon trip on March 24th and I did what I was instructed. That was to call The Horn Blowers to confirm reservation with them. I did everything that I was instructed. I got a reservation confirmation and took that with us to the dock, and that was denied. I have been waiting for refund for 10 business days. I do not understand why it is taking so long since it did not take that long to take my money. I received a generic receipt of what is suppose have been refunded. My financial institution has not received the refund as of today and therefore I must file a dispute in order to get my money back. This was the first time and last time I will use your services. I have tried to cancel an order through the website directly with Groupon. Once I put in that I need to cancel the Dairy Queen Groupon as I did not notice it was in Minnesota. I live in Idaho. When I enter why I am disputing it will NOT let me press the continue button to complete the action. How do I cancel this transaction? The phone number listed on my visa bill in not in service. They keep asking me to type in my question but they never answer. Groupon appears to me to be one of those companies that need to play hide and go seek with their customers. Scared to death that they may have to talk to you. I have tried unsuccessfully to sign on to the HELP option. I have not been able to reset my password to login my Groupon account. I have questions about some coupons I have that I have not used. I need some type of direction since none of these options are working, you no longer have any valid phone numbers for support. I received an empty jewelry bag, should have had a 22 in sterling silver chain. I have asked over and over for a return label, they will not send. For over a year, I have been placing orders but I just found out they are using a old email. I received three items, so I want three labels. I have another order that I want to return, when it gets here. I purchased a Groupon Voucher for BISON CREEK Restaurant in Buffalo, MN. We just got back from the worse Sunday Brunch that I have ever been to. It was with Therapeutic Massage of KC. I have never seen so unprofessional people for a business. I called to make an appointment for the message and I got the run around. One stated that it was not her and gave me the number oof another person. I have been sent back and fore and I am tried. I have the decurity code: 31948825 and groupon LG-ZTY2-TFWS-CL4S-5M75. Please respond to this email. I wanted to use this coupon on Friday June 23th for my Birthday. Please respond as soon as possible. I never had a problem with groupon purchases and I hope this will be the last. This is what I wrote to them…. She also was cold and uncaring when I told her that I am a disabled Vet! THEN I figured out WHY! She was indifferent because she was in the Philippines! I have been attempting to contact customer service for the past week. There are no working numbers that I could locate online and the customer service offered online is not really customer service. Now that I am out of town my item finally decided to ship and there is no way that I am going to receive it. I will never be ordering from this site again being that customer service is nonexistent. I had to put in a new credit card number and printed out the voucher. At 4:35 am an e-mail was sent that the transacton failed for the 2nd time. What the heck is the deal with this???????????????? I am not happy about it. I was rude to the rep, he finally told me someone from accounting would contact me within 72 hrs. This is Kay Lincoln order 221337465 these do not fit and I would like to send th em back. I can not get a web page to get a return slip to print out. I have went to everything I have been told and called all the ph. I really am at my wits end. Please get back to me. Kay Lincoln You continue to bill for things not ordered and then double order.. You have no customer service number. Difficult to apply a coupon but not difficult for you bill credit card without authorization. Tried to Book Four Points Punta Cana. Was double billed no confirmation number or voucher. Now must contact NJAG. Want a human to talk to and fix problem I am trying to return a defective item, the Amope Pedi Perfect Electronic Pedicure Callus Foot file; however, your site is temporarily down. Please contact me through Email on how I can return the defective electronic file and receive a new Amope Pedi Perfect Electronic Pedicure Callus Foot file. Niccola Goins Please email me back. I have spent three hours straight and that is just today to contact Groupon. I have tried every phone number and you say, this number is no longer active. Do you have any numbers that are active? I have many groupons I have not used yet and have not been able to see the account to see what I have nor when the expiration date is. I know I have lost so many that I have already paid you for. When you first started out, it seemed like you were a reputable company. Please email me back. I have bought so many things from Groupon but I will no longer put myself through this experience. You have made alot of money from people who have not been able to receive their goods. It was a great idea to begin with. Now I am just frustrated. Thank you in advance for returning my email. I contacted Groupon and chatted with Juan re: Lake Travis Zip Line reservations cancelled because of thunderstorms. Juan and I chatted back and forth and he said he would give Resolutions Dept. It has been 2 weeks. I have emailed Juan again, but have not received a response. I called LTZL today and they said they have not been contacted by Groupon and that Groupon has to make refund. Also, your contact phone numbers are no longer in use! Thanks I tried to buy a groupon with the promo code twice and cancelled with it within minutes as there was an issue each time. I am being charged a fee still not once but twice. There is no customer service support at all or any way to unsubscribe. I will be deleting the app and blocking any emails from them, along with letting anyone I come in contact with the unethical practices of this company. I am totally frustrated with Groupon!!! I have been trying for days to contact Groupon with no success. I could not even get in with the password that I have had for YEARS! I had to get another password and still could not get any help. I would like to get Groupon Bucks for Beneath the Skin. They have moved out of my neighborhood and no one at the business has called me back. My Groupon expires today. I have been a customer of Groupon for a very long time and would hate to cancel my membership but I am very displeased with what is going on right now in not being able to reach someone, by any means. The Groupon says it has been redeemed. I did not use it, and the company is arriving tomorrow for the service. I woud like to know how the Groupon was redeemed, as I did not use it. Please leave a return phone number with Groupon, and I may call you to discuss this. I really would like to be able to take it to another store to make sure they actually changed anything, and I would really appreciate some sort of compensation for this horrible experience. I always thought honesty was the best policy. In my career, return clients are what keep us going. Kristen Riccardi Sent from my iPhone On Aug 30, 2017, at 3:03 PM, Tom Marvin wrote: Ms Riccardi, my name is Tom Marvin the district manager for Jiffy Lube in Dallas. Please reach out to me at the number below so I can discuss your issues further. Thank You Tom Marvin District Manager Heartland Automotive Service Dallas District I have tried for 3 days to contact Groupon about the wrong merchandise sent to me. THERE IS NO CUSTOMER SERVICE!! And I doubt if they will ever look at these comments. I am done with Groupon. I purchased a groupon for a local massage, Huntsville Alabama and because I was diagnosed with cancer have been delayed in using it. It expires in October. I have misplaced my copy of the groupon. Can I get a replacement please. My email may have changed from the time I purchased this groupon. My former email was with wowway. Judith Lambert This company is the very WORST OF THE WORST! I have the entire experience documented and I would suggest to ALL consumers after reading the comments!! Tell EVERYONE your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, NOT to use or support this SHADY HORRIFIC COMPANY! Together we might be able to make a difference with the way this company operates and TREATS their consumers. Curiously, I wonder if GROUPON has actually read ANY of the above comments?? I was unable to send a email as it would not respond. When I tel customer support all I could hear was giggling and operator could only say there where was no availability even though I had purchased a groupon and shrigley hall said there was. When I asked for it to be resolved it was going to take 10days and that the availablitiy was only in Nov which was out of date. Shrigley hall even tried to contact and put booking on and they found the same problems. Dealsounded good but experience and reply from Groupon customer care found more than wanting. All is done via app and not much else. No senior to contact and a rig a mole to find anyone to respond It is impossible to contact Groupon tho some time ago I actually spoke to a real live person; tho I may be hallucinating? Either I or you messed up on an order for Batteries. I thought I ordered AA but acknowledgement stated AAA. I tried every way imaginable to stop or change to AA batts but to no avail. Today I received the container of AAA batts. Can this be rectified to my satisfaction?? Pleeeeese get back to me. Thank you in advance, BOB J Having a terrible time! Operator just now says need live chat without issue resolved! Tried to once again book purchase with new redemption code. Got same message I have been given at least 25 times prior… This code is not applicable. This is my first experience with Groupon. Not a good one. Our trip is this weekend. Need to book Saturday, 30th. Have emailed and emailed in the past. I need a refund from groupon as the company you promoted is no longer accepting that particular deal. Phone numbers all out of service….. What kind of a business makes it impossible to contact them about a problem. I had bought a groupon for a hair cut. The hairdresser cancelled my appt. I needed a cut now. I have wrote Groupon with no response. I went online and contacted customer service but no idea if they got my message I sent. I bought a 49. When I printed the groupon I printed the confirmation by accident and we had to pay in cash in order to have the car done. I was told by manager to notify you we paid in cash and for you to take the 49. I do have the recipe from the business showing we paid. This all transpired this a. I have tried to return an item. But since Groupon is being very cute and hides their return abilities, I will never order from them again. I have tried without success to print a return mailing label but unable to do so. I will also post on all my social networking web sites that customers need to think twice about doing business with Groupon. Very unethical company and I have learned my lesson. You disconnected all numbers to be able to talk with a live person and send me to groupon. There are people like myself that feel more comfortable talking to a customer service representative. I think that canned message about this number being no longer working is very impersonable and not showing that you care enough to talk to me about the help I require. I have entered and reentered by information on your site. Removing the phone option for help is a big mistake. I cannot enter my customer support question via your email-it freezes and will not let me continue. I tried to purchase two groupons today-Oct 10th I ended up cancelling both of them-it would not take my credit card-kept telling me to edit the information-which I did multiple times-promo code was entered and showed on your screen-final bill No Promo Code applied I have used your site before-what is happening This is a fraudulent company that sells unauthentic goods. Ordered a Michael Kors bag and received a fake bag with broken zippers and not the colors I ordered! I called 4 phone numbers and left two weeks worth of emails and live chat representatives are horrible. I will be contacting an attorney and post on social media! It was very, very easy to pay for two advertised items on GROUPON and impossible, absolutely impossible to use the service that I bought first item and to receive the product that I bought. I have tried without success to speak with the GROUPON Customer Service. An automate recites something and then it hangs up.. The Corporate number is no longer in service!! I want my money back, please!! Your customer service is the worst I have ever dealt with. First it is impossible to reach a real person. Secondly, internet is the only method. I followed the directions andI was given 3 options to write a brief explanation of my problem and none of the three even worked. Abble broke her foot shortly after I bought these and she will not have the cast off before that time.. I would appreciate an extension because medical proof can be proven. If not, then at least refund my money. Groupon has the worst customer service ever! The phone number refers you to the website telling you that you can live chat; however, nowhere can live chat be found. It is a perpetual loop of nothingness. The cancellation buttons will not work on a purchase for which I am well within the 14-day cancellation period. I am furious about this monumental waste of time and useless customer service. Customer support is terrible. I am very disappointed. No where to do a live chat or anyone to contact, I was trying to cancel a order because I ordered the wrong one. They have charged me for two orders of the same thing. This is a rip off web site. I will make sure that if anyone ask me about Groupon I will tell them to beware this website is a scam Groupon is the very worst Customer Service of any company I have worked with. I was unable to reach anyone at Groupon via a phone call, their online chat or via an email. I did try for more than TWO HOURS today. This is completely Unacceptable and I will spread the work that all my friends, business associates, neighbors and Family members cease using Groupon. I was sent the wrong item!!! I spoke to an agent and still the problem has yet to be resolved. I would like to be refunded the money I spent on the item I thought I requested and did not receive, and a label to send the wrong item back!! I have been trying to get this problem resolved for over two weeks since I got the wrong item in the mail. Please contact me as soon as possible. Ann Yancey I have emailed many times my complaint and NO ANSWERS!!! I received a reminder of the appointment 1 day prior. Next I ordered a Wallet Ninja I put two but in a few minutes decided I only wanted the one. It showed cancelled, but my Credit card shiows two twice;. It is terrible that during these problems you have no number i CAN CONTACT to speak on my above problems, Terrible and I mean terrible customer service. The gas I spent to get to the first one should be allowed toward my credit card!!! I bought some things on your groupon ad, it was an acre of land on Mars, as stocking stuffers , purchased 2 and never recieved anything! I am a widow on ss and trusted that your company was legitimate. I expect that you will stand good for this. I am worried that I gave my bank card info and if this is a scam, I could be robbed even more. There is no number. I try calling the number I searched for on line and they keep telling me to go to that page. I am very frustrated at this point. I purchased a service yesterday and they told me they do not go to the area I live in. I need to cancel the order and they told me I had to contact you. I paid through pay pal and tried contacting them and they me I have to contact you, and I have no way of contacting you. Am very angry at this point. I have never NEVER had such an experience trying to get some help ordering an item from my gifted Overstock card. I sent message, I chatted online and all to no avail. I have never had one of these cards and had no idea how to use it. I feel this company should be out of business. How dare you handle my call for help in such a manner. NOW WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS USELESS CARD? It is almost impossible to speak to a customer service person. I have used the service for many years but recently had a problem using a electronic gift card given me. I punched in all the correct numbers at checkout but my total did not reflect my gift card reduction and they went ahead and processed the order without an explanation. And then the fun started!!!. I did a chat but to no resolution. I reached a point like I was talking to a pet so I just did a chat out. Bourbon and Beef Restaurant has been closed for several months. I wrote you that we found it closed when we went there for dinner. You sent an email that it was closed. Now you are trying to give extension to the one of the Groupon vouchers we have. We have three Bourbon and Beef Groupons. We went our money credited back to our VISA asap. We are really disappointed in Groupon. And provided NO assistance what so ever. Your customer suooprt links are nothing but an elaborate maze that leads to NOWHERE wtih NO POSITIVE RESULTS. I cannot find a way to contact a human being using any method no through the website, not by looking the number up on the internet as any number provided leads to a recording that refers one back to the same looped maze of nowhere. It is clear that groupon does not care at all about supporting the customer, only securing their money. I will share my REPEATED experience with anyone who will listen my family, friends, and co-workers; social media; my blog. Trying to get hold of customer service for a week,regarding packages sent to me which I never ordered. USPS tracking-9261 2999 9012 73201884 24 k-cups flavored 30 count Received defective item and cannot email or speak to any one. Obviously, Groupon is having financial problems because they closed their customer service department down in Chicago and do not care about the customer relationships. I will start purchasing on other websites now. I am done with Groupon. Worst customer service every ordered item by mistake tried to call ups to stop order they advised could not tried to cancel with Groupon their systems comes back technical issues overloaded try later this happened 4 times. Called main number they have listed, number is disconnected apparently Groupon does not want to customers. Will call my credit card company and advised fraudulent and unauthorized charges We ordered a Sealy Mattress set in Nov. We have contacted Groupon everyday for nearly a month and no one has helped us find our order. This is beyond frustrating without communication from your end or resolve. And honestly not to have a mattress this long is very inconvenient. We were offered a refund, however we do not want a refund we want our order. Please contact my husband Ron or I as soon as possible. WE have contacted Groupon everyday for nearly a month as to where our order is. The delivery company attempted to send us a partial order, of which we cannot accept this as our order without it stated one of two under the delivery status. Yesterday, I was emailed a 2-day promotion code and tried to use it today — there was nowhere for me to enter the promo code and I was instantaneously charged for something I would not have bought were it not for the promo. I saw the option to cancel, and opted to do so…only to learn AFTER, that I had to use the charged amount within 24 hours. After spending literally hours on their website, I was unable to place another order, and called my credit card company to dispute and contest the charge. Additionally, the credit card groupon has on file for me has an expired expiration date!!! Their toll free phone says you can participate in a live chat, WHICH IS ABSOLUTELY UNTRUE. Their customer service website is an absolute farce — it does not resolve anything, ever. What a shame — groupon is a great idea in that it introduces customers to merchants they may not have previously been aware of. Incidentally, feel free to print my comment… I just want to say how disappointed I am with my order. I ordered a 12pk of socks that clearly says BLACK even on the paperwork in the package but they are all white. I cannot return them however they are not what I ordered!!! Phone message says I can chat with an agent on the website……NOT! Never gave me the option to customize it, as it is a customizable item. Then, immediately posts it as a charge. Thank goodness, the credit card it charged to, was no longer one I own. Tried to tell someone about this issue and I can not talk to anyone. Email via the website does not seem to allow comment or questions to be sent, there is no live chat option, and no incoming calls are accepted. How are customers to resolve problems they have with orders when it is impossible to make contact through available channels. Quite frankly, make me angry — am I expected to be out money because they choose to be unreachable? I purchased a deal on Nov. These were wrought iron signs and I needed to provide an initial for each and could not find where to enter this info. On my debit card statement, the numbers listed are: S587306508607379 and S587306511140283. Who do I contact to complete my purchase? I have tried in every way to return two items.
How Do I Live chat with Groupon
It is easier to get in touch with the company by giving them a call, but some of us prefer to send an old-fashioned handwritten letter. Together we might be sincere to make a difference with the way this company operates and TREATS their consumers. I punched in all the correct numbers at checkout but my total did not reflect my gift card reduction and they went ahead and processed the order without an explanation. AND ANDREW MARK P DISCINNECTED ME Con HELPING. I would continue receiving ads about things that might be of interest chat online groupon me. The company typically does not offer live customer support on holidays. Thank you I think your company is terrible. It took a very long time to get to the note person. Kindly, Beth Bright Terrible.
For other purposes, or when the DNS addresses cannot be configured in a forwarder, domains for which an NXDOMAIN response is expected should be added to the Exceptions for VPN Users section of the OpenDNS Dashboard. Security graph is a data-driven threat that automatically updates malware, botnet, snf phishing domain and IP blacklists enforced by Umbrella.
On weekends, I can shut off access restrictions. See here for how:. The OpenDNS Global Network processes an estimated 100 billion DNS queries daily from 85 million users through 25 worldwide.
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The OpenDNS Global Network processes an estimated 100 billion DNS queries daily from 85 million users through 25 worldwide. On August 27, 2015, acquired OpenDNS for 635 million in an all-cash transaction, plus retention-based incentives for OpenDNS. OpenDNS' business services were renamed as Cisco Umbrella; home products retained the OpenDNS name. Cisco said that it intended to continue development of OpenDNS with its other cloud-based security products, and that it would continue its existing services. The services are based on to the company. It is not related to ; the service is based on closed-source software. DNS OpenDNS offers DNS resolution as an alternative to use ' DNS servers or locally installed DNS servers. OpenDNS has adopted and supports the secure protocol. OpenDNS provides the following recursive nameserver addresses for public use, mapped to the nearest operational server location by routing. OpenDNS also provides the following recursive nameserver addresses as part of their FamilyShield parental controls that block pornography, proxy servers, and phishing sites. In many cases OpenDNS provides only negligible performance gain, but may process queries more quickly than an ISP with slow DNS servers. DNS query results are sometimes cached by e. DNS services for personal home use On May 13, 2007, OpenDNS launched a domain-blocking service to block web sites or non-Web servers visited based upon categories, allowing control over the type of sites that may be accessed. The categories can be overridden through individually managed blacklists and whitelists. In 2008, OpenDNS changed from a closed list of blocked domains to a community-driven list allowing subscribers to suggest sites for blocking; if enough subscribers the number has not been disclosed concur with the categorization of the site it is added to the appropriate category for blocking. As of 2014 there were over 60 categories. The basic OpenDNS service does not require users to register, but using the customizable block feature requires registering. Other free, built-in features include a filter. OpenDNS also run a service called for users to submit and review suspected phishing sites. OpenDNS supports the protocol, which authenticates DNS traffic between the user's computer and the name servers. This requires installing free software onto supported devices. In December 2007 OpenDNS began offering the free DNS-O-Matic service to provide a method of sending DDNS updates to several DDNS providers using 's update API. In October 2009 OpenDNS launched charged-for premium services called Home VIP that offer increased reporting and block features, and other services. DNS services for paid business use In 2009 OpenDNS launched OpenDNS Enterprise, a first foray into enterprise-grade network security. OpenDNS Enterprise included the ability to share management of the product across a team, along with an audit log, expanded malware protection, daily network statistic reports, and a custom block page URL. OpenDNS expanded on the Enterprise product in July 2012 with OpenDNS Insights. This new service featured integration with Microsoft , which allowed admins granular control over creating policies on a per-user, per-device, and per-group basis. Umbrella In November 2012 OpenDNS launched its network security product suite called Umbrella, designed to enforce security policies for mobile employees who work beyond the corporate network using roaming devices such as Windows and Mac laptops, iPhones, and iPads, and provides granular network security for all devices behind the network perimeter. IT administrators can define policies, provision devices, and view reports across users, sites, networks, groups, and devices. In February 2013 the company launched the OpenDNS Security Graph to support Umbrella. Security graph is a data-driven threat that automatically updates malware, botnet, snf phishing domain and IP blacklists enforced by Umbrella. The data is sourced from the DNS requests OpenDNS receives, plus the BGP routing tables that are managed by OpenDNS's network operations center. Added features OpenDNS introduced the Investigate feature to Umbrella in November 2013. It allows security teams to compare local to global traffic to help determine the intent of an attack, and help incident response teams prioritize events. In January 2014 the Intelligent Proxy feature was added to the Umbrella suite. The OpenDNS Intelligent Proxy only proxies connections if the requested domain is scored as suspicious or tagged as partially malicious by OpenDNS Security Graph. One month later OpenDNS announced a technology integration partnership with FireEye. Umbrella for MSPs There is a distinct Umbrella package for MSPs. It features the same protection as the regular business packages, but offers additional MSP features: a centralized multi-tenant dashboard, on-demand monthly licensing, and ConnectWise and Autotask PSA integrations. In July 2006 OpenDNS was launched by and , providing recursive DNS resolution. It received funding from , led by founder. In October 2006 OpenDNS launched , an online collaborative anti-phishing database. Before 2007 OpenDNS was using the DNS Update API from DynDNS to handle updates from users with dynamic IPs. Nand Mulchandani, former head of 's security group, left VMware to join OpenDNS as new CEO in November 2008, replacing founder David Ulevitch, who remained as the company's chief technology officer. David Ulevitch resumed his post as CEO of OpenDNS in late 2009. Then, in conjunction with , all remaining shares held by Minor were purchased in a similar fashion in early 2010. The service uses the DNS addresses 208. The announced the company as a for 2011. In March 2012 Dan Hubbard, former CTO at , joined OpenDNS as CTO. The OpenDNS Security Labs were founded in December 2012, serving as a hub for research at the company. OpenDNS launched Security Graph, a security intelligence and threat detection engine in February 2013, followed by a Series B funding round. Discontinued advertising OpenDNS previously earned a portion of its revenue by resolving a domain name to an OpenDNS server when the name is not otherwise defined in DNS. This had the effect that if a user typed a non-existent name in a URL in a web browser, the user saw an OpenDNS search page. Advertisers paid OpenDNS to have advertisements for their sites on this page. This behavior is similar to 's previous or the redirects many ISP's place on their own DNS servers. OpenDNS said that the advertising revenue paid for the free customized DNS service. It was discontinued on June 6, 2014; OpenDNS said this was because of their move towards a security focus in their business. Some of the traffic is handled by OpenDNS typo-correcting service that corrects mistyped addresses and redirects keyword addresses to OpenDNS's search page, while the rest is transparently passed through to the intended recipient. Also, a user's search request from the of a browser that is configured to use the Google search engine with a certain parameter configured may be covertly redirected to a server owned by OpenDNS which is within the OpenDNS Terms of Service. This redirection breaks some non-Web applications that rely on getting an NXDOMAIN response for non-existent domains, such as e-mail spam filtering, or VPN access where the private network's nameservers are consulted only when the public ones fail to resolve. For other purposes, or when the DNS addresses cannot be configured in a forwarder, domains for which an NXDOMAIN response is expected should be added to the Exceptions for VPN Users section of the OpenDNS Dashboard. Most of the issues above were resolved when OpenDNS discontinued their advertising service, and started responding with NXDOMAIN and SERVFAIL instead of redirecting non-existing domains. Retrieved 1 July 2015. Retrieved 16 March 2016. Retrieved 16 March 2016. Retrieved 8 September 2014. Retrieved 8 September 2014. Retrieved 8 September 2014. Archived from on March 29, 2010. Archived from on 2011-06-06. Retrieved 31 July 2017.
Block adult websites using OpenDNS
My kids are pretty good kids. OpenDNS Difference allows custom filtering. Would this plan work well. Opendns block tinder they graduate from school and get their own places to live, they can get internet and go hog wild. For example, the is 69. Which is both amazingly awesome and slightly depressing at the same resistance. Get a life Ugh. And I clearly answered just this question you asked. What kinda books do you read. That being said, Pinterest is actually a pretty attractive social platform for training kids what social media is all about. You use another social book!.
Phasellus lacinia porta ante, a mollis risus et. ac varius odio. Nunc at est massa. Integer nis gravida libero dui, eget cursus erat iaculis ut. Proin a nisi bibendum, bibendum purus id, ultrices nisi.